Who are we?

Henrik Toft Simonsen

Founder, CEO, PhD, MSc in Pharmacy

Henrik has more than 15 years of research experience with moss and photosynthetic cell biotechnology platforms. He is a Professor at Jean Monnet University, St. Étienne, France. He obtained his PhD in Natural Product Chemistry from The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2002, and changed into fragrances of plants during his career.

History of Mosspiration Biotech

During 2015, the team behind Mosspiration Biotech acknowledged that forming a small biotech would be a great solution for their many crazy ideas. Based on research performed first at University of Copenhagen and later at the Technical University of Denmark Mosspiration Biotech was established on January 2016.
During 2020 we re-shaped the company, but we are still making progress and the future is ahead of us and looks very green.